The network of actors and its social representations: Method of emergency and risk management evaluation in Saint-André de Kamouraska


  • Martin Laroche PhD candidate in regional development, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) Author
  • Steve Plante Professor, Department of Society, Territory and Development, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR) Author



Actor network analysis, social representations, adaptive governance, transformative governance, emergencies, climate change, social-ecological system


In this paper, we evaluate emergency and risk management by combining social network analysis and the study of social representations. We use a classical, bipartite network analysis method to highlight the key actors in emergency and risk management. The use of social representations anchors our data in a particular territorial experience. Indeed, the proposed article is a case study of the municipality of Saint-André-de-Kamouraska located in the Bas-Saint-Laurent administrative region of Quebec. We argue that the main advantages of our method are:

  1. to reveal the key actors in emergency and risk management;
  2. to reveal the impact of these actors on the governance of emergencies and risks;
  3. to draw the socialization to risk and emergency of the studied population.


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Cover image for The network of actors and its social representations



How to Cite

The network of actors and its social representations: Method of emergency and risk management evaluation in Saint-André de Kamouraska. (2022). Canadian Journal of Emergency Management, 2(1).